Shiny new singing tools!

Has the internet started trying to sell you things, promising they will make all the difference to your voice? Have you started wondering whether you do need to spend all that money in order to get the results you want?

Let’s look into it…

There are a lot of tools on the market to help your singing practice, create efficiency in vocal technique, look after vocal health and even allow you to belt without worrying about the neighbours. And the price-points are varied, ranging from free to… quite a lot more than free!

So are they a necessity? Are they worth the money?

Well, let me ask a different question:

What do you need?

There is no doubt that some of these tools can create more efficiency in singing practice when used; many are backed by scientific research. But that might not be the best reason to buy them (or decide to save your money).

There are many other ways to explore vocal technique and efficiency just with things already at your disposal - your body or tools you already have access to. And the internet! In fact, there is so much free help on the internet via blogs and social media posts etc. it could be argued that spending money is not a necessity at all.


Shiny new toys can often increase - if only temporarily - motivation. A purchase can increase dopamine and excite you into a new way of working. So it’s not always as easy as asking yourself “do I need this to improve my voice?” - it may also be a way of reigniting your motivation and refocussing your practice.

Accountability is also a great motivator, so while you may be able to be self-directed in your learning, an online course or community membership or semi-regular singing lesson can also provide value, improvement and motivation.

But here’s the big caveat:

It can be easy to talk your way into a purchase if you accept that an increase in motivation is just as valuable as the benefit the tool/lesson is selling. But even small purchases can stack up if you’re not careful.

You should never put yourself in a precarious financial situation based upon the claims of carefully considered marketing, designed to make you buy. There are other ways to increase accountability and motivation. A lot of them at no cost.

As with everything (especially everything in singing!) - you are a nuanced individual and no blanket advice will ever sufficiently meet all your needs. So take your time, consider your options, and whatever you do, make sure you aren’t feeling pressured!

That said…

If you are looking for some shiny new things to help motivate and inspire you - I’ve got you covered! Please explore where there are both free and paid-for resources all about optimising your singing practice whilst also enjoying it. For more encouragement in your singing journey, you can also follow me on social media @TessaSmithMusic.


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