What skills do you need to be a singer?

You want to be a singer, you just need a great voice, right?!

Wrong! (Sorry!)

It is true that your vocal abilities will play a role in your success as a singer. But there are a HUGE number of other skills to explore and develop which can hugely benefit any vocalist hoping to go further than karaoke in the shower.

The following list is by no means complete, but it gives a fair look at the different skills that will benefit you in the different roles that you might play as a vocalist.


The Artist

It seems obvious that as a singer you will require vocal, musical and performance skills. But what that actually means is very dependent on the individual singer; their style, genre, goals etc.. Regardless, within the role of ‘Artist’ sits vocal technique, musicianship and performance technique.

Vocal Technique

This involves vocal abilities. Your command of your instrument - registration, vocal qualities, agility, intonation, articulation, range…. (it’s possible this list alone is endless!)


This incorporates practical elements such as improvisation, rhythm/feel, and even song-writing.

Performance Technique

Singing is all about CONNECTION. Connection to to yourself, the song and the audience. Performance technique are the things that help you towards that ultimate goal: story-telling, emotion, confidence.

The Learner

To be a singer is to never stop learning; there is so much to learn! Within this role, we can look at knowledge of external elements and also reflective practices that help us learn more about ourselves.


This includes knowledge of voice science, vocal health, musical style, music theory, practice theory, and technical elements such as recording, and how to use sound equipment.

Reflective Skills

These are the skills required to look at any given occurrence/moment/tendency and determine how to learn from those experiences. (There are a number of helpful models available to guide reflective practice that can be found via websearches).

The Professional

Making a career as a singer can look like a lot of different things, and while there are some skills that will be more or less relevant depending on the individual, there are certain skills that will benefit everyone.

Hard Skills

These are the practical industry skills you might need, beyond singing/performance technique and musicianship. Related to the knowledge required by The Learner, think of these as the practical side - setting up and using the PA equipment, recording your music and the distribution, marketing and promotion it will require to get it heard.

Soft Skills

‘Soft Skills’ (also known as people skills) are vital in a career incorporating music making. They involve elements such as organisation, communication and collaboration and motivation. Having a growth mindset is also hugely beneficial. The added bonus is that these elements are prized in many careers besides that of being a professional singer and are hugely beneficial life skills too, so developing them is a win-win-win!

All these elements can be incorporated into various forms of practice. For singing practice tips you can follow me on social media @TessaSmithMusic, or explore thesingersguide.com where there are resources all about optimising your singing practice.


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